Monday, 18 January 2016

Update on Math (Weak items)

Hi boys and girls,

Based on daily work and math quizzes we had in class, these are some of the questions that you need to have more practice on. 

1. 1n 620, the digit '6' stands for _____________.

Common mistake: Some of you wrote 'hundreds'. This is wrong as they are not asking for the place value of digit 6.

The correct answer is 600 or six hundred

2. The sum of 8 tens and 11 ones is the same as ___________________.

* Remember to change 8 tens to 80 and 11 ones to 11 first. Then you can add both numbers up.
Common mistake: Many of you took short cuts and forgot to change the 8 tens and 11 ones to numbers.

3. 345 = ____________ tens ____________ ones.

Common mistake: Some of you just write 4 tens and 5 ones.
*Remember to check and ensure that the number on the left has the same value as the number on the right.

4. Ali was queuing to buy sweets. He was the 3rd person from the front and the 5th person from the back of the queue. How many people are there in the queue?

*Remember to DRAW. Label Front & Back first. Then draw it out based on the story. You won't go wrong if you draw accurately.

That's all for now. :)

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