Monday, 29 August 2016

Homework - 30 August

1. Math files are returned. Remember to sign Picture Graphs worksheets & Math Mini Test 5.

2. Sign Holistic report (T3- Eng & Math Progress Report)

3. September Holiday Homework - Math (Review 4 and Review 6). Submit when school reopens.

Monday, 22 August 2016

F1 Roving Truck is here~!

Pictures of you as F1 drivers ☺


1. Math mini test this Thursday
-Mass,Money,Fractions,Time,Weak items from minitest 1to 4.

Friday, 12 August 2016


Dear 2C,

-English files are returned today together with English Topical Test 4. Please revise and prepare
for your English Test next Tuesday.

-2C will have a class phototaking session next Tuesday (16 August) after recess. Kindly ensure neat and smart attire :)

Thursday, 4 August 2016


Dear 2C,

1.Try your best to put on red and white attire next Monday(school shoes).
    Dismissal time will be at 945am.
    You just need to bring a storybook, pencil case and waterbottle next Monday.

2. Kindly take note that there will be an English Mini Test on 16 August (Tuesday).
    Do your revision.

3. There is a change on letter to parent on Assessment plan. The percentage for Eng Compo has changed from 10% to 5%.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Math update on fraction!

Dear 2C,

The topic on fraction has come to an end. But one challenging area for you is on
comparing fractions.
There are 2 kinds of fractions, like fractions(same denominators) and unlike fractions(different denominators)

So when you compare like fractions, remember to look at the numerator only. The bigger the numerator, the bigger the fraction.

On the other hand, when you compare unlike fractions, remember to look at the denominator. The bigger the denominator, the smaller the fraction. Simply said, 'The more you share, the smaller you get'

Continue practising comparing fractions. Drawing it out will definitely help you to understand and visualise better.
These pictures below are one of the practices you did in class to ensure you know how to draw fractions to make comparison.

PAL - Paper Mache!

Here you go! Pictures of you working hard with glue and papers