Thursday, 10 November 2016

Class Party next Monday , 14 November

Dearest parents of 2C,

The P2s will be having a level party next Monday. They will be having their recess as usual.
The party will only start about 11.15 am. They are encouraged to bring some food (snacks, biscuits , packet drinks etc) on that day (No home cooked food please). Some students have volunteered to bring paper plates and paper cups as well. Any queries, you may text me.

That's all for now. Have a great weekend! :)

Monday, 10 October 2016

Reminder: Test Dates

Dear 2C,
Kindly take note of these dates. Do start your revision early.

24 October: English Listening Comprehension
26 October: English Language Paper 2
2 November : Mathematics 

*I am going to give the class a practice English test this Thursday. 
* Spelling will be administered on this Wednesday instead.

Thank you

Monday, 26 September 2016

English Composition Test

Kindly take note that next Monday, 3rd Oct, is your English Composition Test. We will have our final composition practiced test tomorrow.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Reminders 21 Sept

1. Remember to sign the following for those who have not done so.
- Sign the Practiced Oral
- Sign 'The Grasshopper and the ant'
- Sign 2D,3D Figures Math worksheet

2. Tomorrow , please remember to put your bag in class first. Take along with you the following items to the basketball court.
- Grammar 2 WS (under your table)
-A storybook
-Your pencil box
-Your waterbottle

3. Some tips for the oral.

  • - When you are given the time to look at the picture (before the tester calls you), think of the possible questions that the tester may ask you. DO NOT WASTE TIME.
For example: A picture on places of interest in Singapore
Possible questions: Which one is your favourite place? Why or Why not?
                                What other place of interest have you visited? Tell me about it

  • - Remember the Answer Reason Experience.
     >(ANSWER). Refrain from just answering Yes or No. Answer in full sentence.
        For example: "My favourite place is the Underwater World"

     > (REASON)It will be good if you can state more than one reason.
        For example: "I love to go to the Underwater World because .... I enjoyed coming here also   
      ** If you are lack of ideas on what to say, begin by saying about your feelings. I love it because I
           felt very happy and excited...... (Then slowly, you build up your ideas based on what you see, hear, touch, smell depending on the topic
    > (EXPERIENCE). You may begin with these sentence starters to help you.
        " I remembered few years ago..."
        " When I was in Primary 1, ...."

  •  - To lengthen the conversation, remember not to just talk about one picture. It would be great if you reason out why you do not choose the other pictures. For example (if Night Safari is one of the pictures): " I do not like to go to the Night Safari because I am scared of darkness...

  •  - End off your conversation with the question asked. For example: "Among all the places, my favourite place would be ....."

I hope these tips are useful for you. All the best dearies!

Monday, 12 September 2016

P2 EL Oral Test next week

Dear 2C,

Next Thursday (22 September) is your P2 English Oral Test.

Remember to use the structure of A,R,E ( this is shared previously. look at the blog entry in April)

A: ANSWER the question that the tester is asking
R: Give REASON for the answer
E: Share your EXPERIENCE related to the topic.

We will have a practice in class to prepare you for the test. At the same time, attached below is an oral practice that you can do at home as a practice with your parents.

a) Look at the picture. Which one of the CCAs do you find interesting? Why?

Sample Response

Among all, I think the Fitness and Games Club caught my attention .

I am an active person  and dislikes sitting still for too long.. This CCA is also good for me as sports is good for my mind and body. This CCA also teaches me how to work in team and so this CCA is the best for me.

Whenever I am free, I like to go roller blading around my estate. During weekends, my parents would often play a game of badminton with my brother and me or take us for a swim. These activities keep my body healthy and strong.So, I think I would enjoy taking part in the Fitness and Games club.

Monday, 29 August 2016

Homework - 30 August

1. Math files are returned. Remember to sign Picture Graphs worksheets & Math Mini Test 5.

2. Sign Holistic report (T3- Eng & Math Progress Report)

3. September Holiday Homework - Math (Review 4 and Review 6). Submit when school reopens.

Monday, 22 August 2016

F1 Roving Truck is here~!

Pictures of you as F1 drivers ☺


1. Math mini test this Thursday
-Mass,Money,Fractions,Time,Weak items from minitest 1to 4.

Friday, 12 August 2016


Dear 2C,

-English files are returned today together with English Topical Test 4. Please revise and prepare
for your English Test next Tuesday.

-2C will have a class phototaking session next Tuesday (16 August) after recess. Kindly ensure neat and smart attire :)

Thursday, 4 August 2016


Dear 2C,

1.Try your best to put on red and white attire next Monday(school shoes).
    Dismissal time will be at 945am.
    You just need to bring a storybook, pencil case and waterbottle next Monday.

2. Kindly take note that there will be an English Mini Test on 16 August (Tuesday).
    Do your revision.

3. There is a change on letter to parent on Assessment plan. The percentage for Eng Compo has changed from 10% to 5%.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Math update on fraction!

Dear 2C,

The topic on fraction has come to an end. But one challenging area for you is on
comparing fractions.
There are 2 kinds of fractions, like fractions(same denominators) and unlike fractions(different denominators)

So when you compare like fractions, remember to look at the numerator only. The bigger the numerator, the bigger the fraction.

On the other hand, when you compare unlike fractions, remember to look at the denominator. The bigger the denominator, the smaller the fraction. Simply said, 'The more you share, the smaller you get'

Continue practising comparing fractions. Drawing it out will definitely help you to understand and visualise better.
These pictures below are one of the practices you did in class to ensure you know how to draw fractions to make comparison.

PAL - Paper Mache!

Here you go! Pictures of you working hard with glue and papers

Friday, 29 July 2016

The Best Pet

 Dear 2C,

Attached below are your 'Best Pets' that you would love to keep in the classroom.
All of you were so creative and came up with amazing pets! The pet with the highest number of votes is the 'DINOPUS'! Bravo!